Znana igralka v filmih za odrasle, Jenna Jameson, ki je nekdaj slovela kot privlačna lepotica, je kasneje izgubila svoj sijaj.

PREBERITE TUDI: Jenna Jameson zaradi nosečnosti neprepoznavna

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Nekdanja pornodiva je na svojem Instagram profilu delila svojo fotografijo, na kateri je njeno telo prej in potem. 44-letna Jenna je razkrila, da je že 4 mesece na ketonski dieti, zaradi katere se počuti odlično.

Po porodu je imela Jenna 84 kilogramov, s ketonsko dieto pa ji je uspelo shujšati. sedaj tehta 59 kilogramov in izgleda bolje. Bistvo ketonske diete je izogibanje ogljikovim hidratom in uživanju zdravih maščob.

PREBERITE TUDI: Ketonska dieta – ko vse ostalo odpove

Thought I’d post a #motivationmonday #beforeandafter of my total weightloss. On the right I weight 187. On the left I’m a strong 130. I was lethargic and struggled with the easiest of tasks like walking in the beach sand with Batelli. ? I felt slow mentally and physically. I took the pic on the right for a body positive post I was going to do and decided against it because I felt anything but fucking positive. I’m now a little under 4 months on the #ketodiet and it’s not only given me physical results, I feel happier, smarter, and much more confident. I also want to let y’all know how much your amazing support means to me. I know you loved me heavy, and now… but your journeys inspire me to keep inspiring you. Thank you for going on this journey with me. I love you guys! #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #ketotransformation #fitmom

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This has been a strong ?? week for my Keto lifestyle results. I’m no longer really losing fat, I’m tightening. I see and feel the biggest difference in my arms and back. When I was out of shape, I felt really thick through my core and trap and arm area. That’s finally starting to go. I really feel weight in our arms is a hormonal thing. I can say this to all of you ladies wondering how I stay committed to no carbs. Well, after the first week or so… the cravings subside and your body adjusts. I get sweet cravings here and there, but I usually push past them by drinking a Fresca. Oh and by the way, my scale number hasn’t budged. I’m holding at 130. Because I KNOW y’all cuties will ask… my insanely cute slides are from @haute_acorn #weightlossjourney #ketotransformation #ketodiet #weeklyweighin #fitmoms

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PREBERITE TUDI: Jenna Jameson: Zapustila porno industrijo zaradi otrok


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