Si uspel/a uganiti, čigav brat je fant na zgornji fotografiji?



Gre seveda za Dylana Efrona, brata slavnega Zaca Efrona!

In zakaj je Dylan te dni v središču pozornosti medijev?

Ker je o svojem bratu Zacu pred leti zapisal prav posebno pesem, ki jo je nato prebral v šoli.

“A Brotherly Thing”

My brother is a movie star,
And is only sixteen.
He doesn’t have a job yet,
Still, he thinks he is the queen.

If he lost me at a show,
I’ll be her would not care a bit.
He won’t even try to look,
But my mom would throw a fit.

Yes, he does have a good side,
That shows up once in awhile.
He watches my sports,
Which puts upon me a smile.

I guess he isn’t that bad,
If I think about it twice.
He helps me with my homework,
And always gives advice.

If there’s any hatred going on,
It is a brotherly thing.
If we fight no one gets hurt,
Brothers have to fight, I think.

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