Jenna Jameson se je odločila za ketonsko dieto oz. način življenja in se je popolnoma spremenila. Izgubila je več kot 30 kg!

PREBERITE TUDI: Jenna Jameson razkrila, kako je izgubila 30 kg

Ketonska dieta

Jenna se strogo drži ketonske diete. Dieta, kjer se ne sme jesti ogljikovih hidratov, poudarek pa je na visokem vnosu zdravih maščob. Na to dieto prisegajo mnoge zvezdnice.

Jenna ve, da je lahko z dieto začeti, težje pa je vsak dan organizirati pravilno prehrano, saj sčasoma lahko zmanjka idej. Zvezdnica je zato svoje nasvete in fotografije svojih obrokov začela deliti na svojem Instagram profilu, kjer ji sledilci zvesto sledijo.

Jenna poje veliko jajc, oreščkov in avokada.


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Alright my fellow #keto people and y’all who are on the fence. Let’s talk self doubt and healthy thinking. I think my body has decided this is my ideal weight. 125. My unhealthy mind keeps thinking I need to be 110. I quietly say “not today, demon” I won’t cave to those voices that tell me I need to be a size 0 to be loved. When I look in the mirror now I see health and happiness, and that alone is my fuel to continue this lifestyle. Do I still pinch my loose belly skin and wish I still had a washboard tummy? Yes. Does Batelli pinch it and laugh? Yes. But that’s when my admiration for this body really hits me. I made 3 miracles. In closing I think it boils down to self love. Say it with me… I LOVE ME. #ketotransformation #beforeandafter #ketodiet #ketoweightloss #weightlossjourney #selfcare #selflove

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Ugh. I almost chickened out on posting this before image of me. This is me at my heaviest, probably around 187 maybe more. More than likely more. I asked my hubby to shoot a elbow up pic for a pro breastfeeding pic for IG. I don’t even know what to say, other than I’m so sorry to my body. Moving on. Let’s talk what a day of eating looks like for me on the 1 day I don’t practice #intermittentfasting I wake up with Batel around 7 am. I immediately chug 1-2 cups of coffee (regular instant) with a scoop of coconut oil and a splash of sugar free creamer (can’t stop won’t stop) In about an hour I make 3 scrambled eggs with mushrooms and a handful of Mexican mixed shredded cheese. I cut an avocado and take half. I then put Batel down for her nap at noon and work on my poshmark until she wakes at 2:30-3:00. I’m STARVING by then so I throw a ribeye steak in my cast iron skillet and grill it with purple onions and garlic. I serve it over kale. I don’t get enormously hungry for dinner so I usually bake a small fillet of fish (I love sea bass). That’s it! I get so many requests on what I eat so I may make this a weekly deal to help y’all with your #ketodiet ♥️ keep me updated on your progress, it makes me happy to hear your wins! Oh and can we just talk about my abs peeping through? ? #beforeandafterweightloss #bodytransformation #healthylifestyle #sober #bodypositive #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #fitmom #healthylifestyle #keto #ketotransformation #beforeandafter

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Let’s talk about the health benefits I’ve noticed since I’ve lost 63 pounds. Oddly enough I feel stronger, maybe because I’m not lugging around so much weight… but I thought I’d be weaker. I was wrong. Next, my ankles no longer hurt. I literally thought I needed to go to a podiatrist because it hurt to step down ?. I now don’t have heart palpitations. At my heaviest (187 not pregnant) my heart would race… it scared the hell out of me. I no longer have headaches which is such a huge bonus (I suffered from migraines). #intermittentfasting has upped my mental sharpness even more. I think what I’m getting at is that I’m running like a well oiled machine. What benefits have you noticed in your body now that your #keto ? Assuming you are ? #ketodiet #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #ketoweightloss #bodyafterbaby #mentalhealth #bodytransformation #bodypositive

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PREBERITE TUDI: Šokantno! Po porodu je slavna Jenna izgubila 40 kilogramov in razkrila skrivnost

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