Madison De La Garza, mlajša sestra Demi Lovato, je včeraj prvič spregovorila po domnevnem predoziranju pevke. Zapisala je ganljive besede ravno na njen 26. rojstni dan.

“Danes bi lahko bil najhujši dan v mojem življenju, ampak na srečo se lahko zahvalim Bogu in izjemnim zdravnikom ter vsem ljudem na svetu, ki so ponudili pomoč in podporo – brez vseh vas, danes ne bi več imela sestre,” je zapisala 16-letna Madison.

PREBERITE TUDI: Morda le ni bil prevelik odmerek heroina

“Razmišljala sem, kako si želim, da bi vsi lahko videli prikupne majhne stvari, ki jih počne, kot naprimer, kako se ji nosnice premikajo ob izgovorjavi določenih besed in kako mi daje lase za uho, ko poskušam spati, ker vse to so stvari za katere sem danes hvaležna,” je še dopisala pod fotografijo, ki jo je objavila na Instagram profilu.

today could have been one of the worst days of my life, but instead i get to spend it thanking God, the incredible doctors, demi’s team, and everyone across the world who offered their support – without all of these people i wouldn’t have my big sister anymore. i’ve been thinking about how i wish that everyone could see the silly little things that she does, like how her nostrils move when she says certain words and when she brushes my hair behind my ear when i’m trying to sleep, because those are the things i’m thankful for today. they seem so small, but those little things make up my sister – not a singer, not a celebrity, and definitely not what she’s been described as in the media – she’s a daughter, a friend, and my big sister… and i am so, so thankful that i can tell her happy birthday. #happybirthdaydemi ❤️

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PREBERITE TUDI: Se bo Demi Lovato res poslovila?

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